Due Monday, September 25. Two sketches. (on separate 8-1/2 x 11 sheets) (bold enough to video) (hand in at end of class). One "handle", one "button" that you "like". Come prepared to discuss your choices. "handle" - any continuous control "button" - any discrete control Pay attention to all the ways that you interact with the world and ask whether they are more button-like or handle-like. Which do you prefer? Does it depend on the task? How? Describe real controls that you have used or seen others use. Show either "good" or "bad" examples; think about what the differences are. Try to sketch the user and how they interact -- even indicating motion. You might try to include some of the context of where and what is being controlled.
CS 377A: HCI Technology
Stanford University, Fall99 |
CS 436: HCI
Princeton University, Fall99 |