Due Monday, October 4. (STANFORD ONLY) Via e-mail and/or paper. 1. LAB AND LECTURE REFLECTIONS - no more than one page of text. Thinking of this year's students as your audience: Describe the main points of this week's lectures. How do they relate to what you are looking for in the course? Were there any new insights you gained? Have you followed any of the references or found any reading to be of interest? Thinking of next year's students as your audience: Briefly describe the lab procedures and what kinds of results you got. What's the point of the lab? Did you learn anything? Were there any problems? How would you avoid them in the future? 2. INVENTION SKETCH - forced association. Work with your lab partner to come up with a sketch of some two-handed or two-person interface. Try combining some observation of existing two-handed use (e.g. tennis serve) with some application (e.g. a paint program). Start with listing ten or twenty examples of two-handed actions; then list ten or twenty applications. Pick one from column A and one from column B and see if you can force them together. There are no rules for how they might go together -- be liberal in what they might suggest. (If this is how you did it, include your lists.) Make a one-page poster of someone using your invention; share it with the rest of the class, Monday, October 4. ----------------------------------------------------- Addendum to STANFORD Projects Page: For Fall 1999, we would like you to focus on two-handed or two-person interfaces. -----------------------------------------------------
CS 377A: HCI Technology
Stanford University, Fall99 |
CS 436: HCI
Princeton University, Fall99 |